MS Power BI Projects

Part I:

Your customers are not happy with the country names abbreviations. They prefer to have the complete country names. You ask them to create a reference table with the complete country names, and now you are asked to merge the complete country names into that table.

Part II:

You are now asked to create a report with the following requirements:

• Overview of how many accepted campaigns (each campaign no. visible)

• Overview of how many sales in each category

• Needs to filterable by Education, Marital_Status and Country

Create an easy to use and appealing report page that meets the requirements.


Here are the following requirements:
1) Two more visuals:

  • Hierarchical breakdown of sold products by Education and Category
  • (Sum of) Successful campaigns by Country
    Please suggest good visualizations.

2) Details page with the fields

  • Every single customer (ID)
  • Customer acquire date (Dt_Customer)
  • Education
  • Kidhome
  • Marital_Status
  • Year Birth
  • Country
    in a table.
    3) Drill through to the Details page using the countries
    (Keep filter yes or no? Make a proposal.)
    4) Top 3 Education groups by “most successful campaigns” (sum of successful campaigns).

Choose a suitable visual.